They are most devastating when unleashed in groups and are one of the more effective weapons against assassins.

Snarks have almost no health and die after taking the least amount of damage or on their own after 15 seconds. If you throw one when there are no enemies around or they run out of enemies, they will not hesitate to turn on you. Be careful in using them, as, much like the laser mines, they don't distinguish between friend and foe. While they are seen in the single-player game as enemies, you can also pick up a pack of your own to throw at the human enemies. Snarks are little aliens that would love to peck your face off. However, recent Steam versions have "fixed" this by disabling collision detection on the tripmines. In earlier versions of Half-Life, you could use these as stairs in deathmatch by placing them on walls and jumping on top of them.

Laser mines are most effective against enemies that will chase you when they see you, like assassins or marines. To disarm a tripmine, you can either shoot the mine or detonate an explosive next to it (it is never advisable to try and bash it off with your crowbar). When the blue-green laser appears, the mine is active and will not differentiate between friend or foe, so be very careful around them. The tripmine will make a distinctive series of beeping sounds before it engages its laser. To use a laser mine, simply place it on any surface. These explosives, recognizable by their tell-tale blue-green laser, make their first appearance in " We've Got Hostiles!". Laser tripmines are exactly what their name implies: laser triggered explosives. They work well placed around blind corners or among satchel charges that spawn naturally, as unwary players may not distinguish the active charges from the spawned charges. In multiplayer matches, these are the most useful of the explosives because they can be triggered on command. There are several areas of the game where it is necessary to send a charge to detonate trip mines blocking the path that cannot be cleared any other way. Generally, they are easier to use than the other explosives available in the game, if only for the manual detonation. Primary fire will allow you to throw one, while secondary fire will allow you to throw multiple charges before detonating.

Satchel charges are small packages of explosives that can be detonated on command. Damage: 150 at ground zero, less with distance.